Undocumented students at the University of New Mexico add tremendous value to our university community. UNM is richer and stronger because of them.  As an institution, UNM is committed to do all it can to support and empower our undocumented students to reach their full potential at the university.

Welcome Undocumented UNM Community

President Abdallah

The University of New Mexico (UNM) remains committed to standing with and supporting our undocumented students and their families during these times of uncertainty. In solidarity, we will continue our efforts to work with Congress, other institutions and national organizations to ensure our students remain protected as they successfully pursue their dreams of higher education.

UNM will continue to respect and support the decision of our undocumented students to maintain their anonymity. UNM will follow existing federal guidelines and UNM police will not contact, detain, question or arrest an individual solely on the basis of suspected undocumented immigration status or to discover any individual’s immigration status.

When we say, “each of us defines all of us,” this includes our undocumented students and their families who demonstrate courage and resiliency on a daily basis and are truly part of the united spirit of UNM. We are also mindful that current immigration policies impact not only students, but also our staff, faculty and community. We will continue to stand with you. You are not alone. You are cherished. You belong here. 

UNM has led the way in serving undocumented students long before DACA and we will remain steadfast in our commitment to continue making education more accessible and inclusive.

Garnett S. Stokes
The University of New Mexico  


In the State of New Mexico, we have a law commonly referred to as SB 582. This law establishes two things:

  1. Universities are prohibited from discriminating against students based on their immigration status; and
  2. Provides in-state tuition and state funds such as the Legislative Lottery Scholarship if you:
    • Attended a year of secondary education in New Mexico and
    • Graduated or obtained a GED in New Mexico


Prospective Students

Thank you for your interest in the University of New Mexico!